
News from DTU

24 AUG

Copepods avoid eating Toxic Algae

Copepods avoid eating most toxic dinoflagellates and thus the toxin efficiently protects the algae against grazing

Acartia tonsa. Foto: Erik Selander.
31 JAN

PhD defense about copepods and toxic algea

Do copepods feed on toxic algea, or do they have strategies to avoid them? This is the subject of Jiayi Xu’s PhD thesis which she will defend on 2 February 2018.

17 JAN

How do copepods respond to toxic prey? And can the copepods acclimate to algal toxins?

Many species of phytoplankton produce substances that are toxic to both human consumers and planktonic grazers, and toxin production is often considered a defense mechanism. But can grazers de-select the toxic prey cells? And can they acclimate to the toxins?

Temora Longicornis rejecting Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax
21 DEC

New paper on behavior of copepods feeding on toxic algae

How do copepods react to toxic prey and what’s the effect on survival of both prey and predator?

3 MAY 2024