Professor Thomas Kiørboe's personal website

My research interests

Sex in the plankton

  • Mate finding in copepods
  • Evolution of swimming strategies
  • Sex and population dynamics
  • Sexual selection

Marine snow

  • Formation
  • Fate

Particle-associated microbial communities

  • Microbes colonize particles
  • Dynamics of attached microbial communities

Observing plankton: A birdwatchers approach to plankton ecology

  • What the sampler revealed

Observing zooplankton using high speed video 

  • Lucky Luke of the ocean: Ambush attacks in copepods
  • The strongest animal in the world
  • Quiet swimming

Welcome to my website

Thomas KiørboeProfessor
Thomas Kiørboe
Centre for Ocean Life

National Institute of Aquatic Resources
Technical University of Denmark
Kemitorvet, Building 202
2800 Kgs. Lyngby
Tel: +45 3588 3401
Cell: +45 4011 1884
Fax: +45 3588 3434

Readers of this home page who are interested in further details of my research, in examining possibilities of visiting the lab (postdoc,visiting scientist), or in obtaining reprints of specific publications are welcome to contact me.
27 JULY 2024