- M.Sc. (Biology), University of Copenhagen, 1977
- Ph.D., University of Copenhagen, 1982
- Dr. Scient, University of Copenhagen, 1988
- 2008-present: Professor, Technical University of Denmark
- 2006-2010: Adjunct professor at University of Southern Denmark
- 2005-2006: Sabbatical stay at CSIC, Barcelona, Spain
- 1994-2008: Research professor at Danish Institute for Fisheries Research
- 1983-1994: Research scientist and from 1992 senior research scientist at Danish Institute for Fisheries Research
- 1990-1991: DANIDA advisor at Phuket Marine Biology Center, Thailand
- 1982-1983: Associate professor, Institute of Life Science and Chemistry, Roskilde University Center
- 1979-1982: Research scientist, Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen
- 1979-1982: Teaching assistant, Institute of Life Science and Chemistry, Roskilde University Center
- 1978-1979: Various soft money positions, scholarships and teaching positions
- 1977-1978: Mandatory civil service
- 1973-1977: Student instructor at Institute of Biochemistry and Zoological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen
Editorial commitments
- Marine Ecology Progress Series (1988-2005)
- Limnology and Oceanography (2000-present)
- Journal of Plankton Research (1994-present)
- Scientia Marina (1993-present)
- Dana (1988-1996)
- Phuket Marine Biological Center Research Bulletin (1991-present)
Honors and awards
- Carlsberg Foundation Research Prize (2019)
- Elected Fellow of The Royal Danish Society of Science and Letters (since 1996)
- Elected Fellow of The Danish Academy of Natural Sciences (since 1994)
- Elected Fellow of Academy of Technical Sciences (since 2009)
- Awarded Danish ‘Researcher of the year’ (2005)
- Listed as Highly Cited Author by ISI
- Recipient of the Huntsman Award 2007
Detailed CV
A more detailed CV can be downloaded here